The Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney is a full time, county elected position of 4 years. The Prosecuting Attorney is the top law enforcement official for Bingham County, and by law, is the legal advisor to the Board of County Commissioners and all elected officials of Bingham County.
The responsibilities of the Prosecutor’s Office are multi-faceted. Significant in accomplishing our many roles is a dedicated team of professionals. Every member of the team, attorneys and legal assistants / victim witness coordinators, performs a valuable function in the legal process. Striving to achieve justice for the people of Bingham County and to be responsive to the needs and concerns of those impacted by crime in our community.
The Prosecutors Office works with all law enforcement agencies within Bingham County including Bingham County Sheriff’s Office, City of Blackfoot Police Department, Shelley City Police Department, Idaho State Police, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and Idaho Department of Transportation as well as other State Agencies who investigate crimes against the citizens and State of Idaho. The Prosecutor’s Office provides services to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Child Protection Services. Along with relative services of guardianships or conservatorships, probate for indigent and involuntary mental commitment procedures.
The Bingham County Prosecutor’s Office prosecutes all felony and juvenile crimes that have occurred within Bingham County regardless of who the investigating agency might be. Additionally, we handle:
Misdemeanor and infractions cases where the investigating agency is:
NOTE: The Blackfoot City Attorney’s office handles all misdemeanors and infractions (including parking citations) from the Blackfoot Police Department.
City Attorney - Garrett Sandow, 220 N. Meridian, Blackfoot, Idaho 208-785-9300
The Shelley City Attorney’s office handles all misdemeanors and infractions (including parking citations) from the Shelley Police Department.
City Attorney - Garrett Sandow, 220 N. Meridian, Blackfoot, Idaho 208-785-9300
The Bingham County Prosecutor’s Office does not have its own investigators. Rather, we rely on our law enforcement agencies to take complaint/reports and conduct the investigations. If you would like to file a complaint or make a report of possible criminal conduct, please contact the jurisdictional law enforcement agency.