The mission of the University of Idaho (UI) Extension is to “improve people’s lives by engaging the University and our communities through research-based education.” Extension professionals work in 42 of the 44 Idaho counties to address youth, community, family, environmental, natural resource, and agricultural issues.
UI Extension Bingham County office has three UI Extension faculty and three Bingham County staff to assist community members.
To meet the educational needs of Bingham County residents, UI employs three extension faculty members, one with horticulture and crops responsibilities (60% time in Bingham County), one 4-H Youth Development with adult livestock responsibilities and one family consumer sciences and 4-H Educator. Bingham County provides funding for a full-time office manager and 4-H program coordinator plus a part-time administrative assistant.
Clientele receive research-based information through classes, one-on-one contacts, telephone contacts, Internet sites, office visits, popular press, and newsletters.
Find our facebook page with the most current information at UI Extension, Bingham County. UI Extension- Facebook
Newsletters include current flyers for upcoming classes and educational material.
4-H Year 2024-2025
October Newsletter - BC News Oct 2024.pdf
November Newsletter - BC News Nov 2024.pdf
December Newsletter - BC News Dec 2024.pdf
January Newsletter - BC News Jan 2025.pdf
February Newsletter - BC News Feb 2025.pdf