Alcohol & Substance Abuse Assistance

Unfortunately, we have seen an increase of drug/substance related death in Bingham County. We understand that this is already a hard time for you and your family. Grieving the loss of a loved one is an incredibly personal and challenging journey, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Instead of turning to unhealthy habits to cope, there are so many resources available to the community to prevent overdoses. 

Seeking alcohol and substance abuse assistance after the loss of a loved one is crucial because grief can significantly heighten the risk of developing unhealthy coping mechanisms. The profound emotional pain and sense of loss can lead individuals to turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to numb their feelings or escape reality. This reliance can quickly escalate into a dependency, complicating the grieving process and prolonging suffering. Professional assistance provides crucial support, offering healthier ways to navigate grief and manage emotions without resorting to substance abuse. By addressing both the grief and any emerging substance use issues, individuals can foster a more resilient recovery, honor their loved one's memory in a meaningful way, and rebuild their lives with healthier coping strategies and emotional stability.

Assistance Resources Available

Start Your Recovery

Drug Rehab Centers in Blackfoot, ID

Idaho State Opioid Response

Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline