PROPERTY DIVISION: The function of the property division in the Assessor’s Office is to collect, document, and disseminate accurate information for use by other government entities or departments regarding land records and property assessments. Our goal is to strive to achieve excellent public service for the constituents of Bingham County.
Harrington, Donavan - County Assessor
Barzee, Audrey - Property
Cunningham, Debbie - Appraisal
Mecham, Wendy - GIS Supervisor
Tapia, Roxana - Vehicle Registration
As the hub of county government, we protect, preserve, and maintain the public records and public funds with integrity and accountability. We are responsive to our citizens with superior customer service. Marriage licenses, and alcohol permits are issued through our office. The Clerk's Office is a United States Passport Acceptance Facility.
Eckhardt, Pamela W - County Clerk
Perschon, Gina - Senior Auditor
Wixom, Rhonda - Jury Commissioner
Lora, Laura - Payroll Clerk / Veteran Services
Trompeter, Michelle - Deputy Financial Clerk
The Bingham County Coroner office is dedicated to excellence by providing professional, standardized, scientific, and compassionate forensic medicolegal death investigation through a joint effort with law enforcement, EMS and other agencies in order to protect the interests of decedents and their families and members of the community we serve.
Roberts, Jimmy - County Coroner
Christensen, Flint - Chief Deputy Coroner
Sanchez, Shante - Auxiliary Deputy Coroner
Douglas, Amanda - Deputy Coroner
Hill, Janelle - Deputy Coroner
The Mission of Bingham County is to provide essential government services based on statutory requirements with the highest priority of public safety, future economic development and long-term fiscal stability at the very least cost to the citizens.
Dalley, Lindsey - Commission Clerk
Manwaring, Whitney - County Commissioner
Jensen, Drew - County Commisssioner
Jackson, Eric - County Commissioner
As the Third Branch of the government, we provide access to justice through the timely, fair, and impartial resolution of cases.
Landon, Sheri - Court Supervisor
Gardner, Lori - Court Records
Ashley, Teresa - Criminal Clerk-Misdemeanors
Bennett, Carla - Criminal Clerk - Misdemeanors
Smith, Jenny - Criminal Clerk - Misdemeanors
Reese, Diana - Fine Payments
Grimm, Lindsay - Civil Clerk - Judge Hansen and Judge Colson
Bacon, Kendall - Fine Payments & Debtor Exams
Cronquist, Heather - Civil Clerk - Judge Barrett, Infractions/Traffic Citations, & Small Claims
Hammond, Deby - Guardianship/Conservatorship
Murphy, Joni - Civil Clerk - Judge Hansen and Judge Colson
Gay, Brenda - Child Protection & Juvenile Cases
Brimhall, Donna - Civil Protection Orders & File and Serve
Tendoy, Wyoma - Civil Protection Orders
Pratt, Marielle - Criminal Clerk - Felonies - Judge Simpson
Loveland, Emilie - Civil and Criminal Clerk - Judge Thompson & File and Serve
Cammack, Brandee - Civil Clerk - Judge Simpson, Appeals, & File and Serve
Lambert, Tori - Treatment Court Clerk & Warrants
The Motor Vehicle Division centers on knowledgeable and courteous customer service in all aspects of licensing and titling of vehicles within the boundaries of the State as well as Bingham County.
Tapia, Roxana - Vehicle Registration
Bingham County Elections Department’s purpose is to serve the citizens of Bingham County with their voter rights and privileges, as well as ensure that the elections and related activities are handled in an honest, timely and professional manner, and to protect the physical security of all election materials.
Miller, Danette - Election Director
Kearsley, Megan - Election Clerk
Robbins, Kelli - Election Clerk
University of Idaho Extension in Bingham County improves people’s lives by engaging the University and our communities through research-based education. Our areas of expertise are 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Livestock, and Family and Consumer Sciences.
Cernyar, Krista - Administrative Assistant
Buck, Julie - University of Idaho Extension Ed. - Family & Consumer Sciences
Findlay, Reed - University of Idaho Extension Ed. - Horticulture & Forages
Strupp, Heather - 4-H Coordinator
Willmore, Carmen - University of Idaho Extension Ed. - Livestock / 4-H Youth Development
Lish, Teresa - Part-Time Assistant
Maintain and develop GIS mapping for Bingham County
Inskeep, Gwen - GIS / Surveyor
Mecham, Wendy - GIS Supervisor
The Human Resources/Risk Management Department is committed to providing and retaining a skilled, adaptable, and diverse workforce for County departments so that they may deliver superior services to the residents of, and visitors to, the County of Bingham.
Pope, Laraine - HR/Risk Management Director
Jackson, Shannon - HR Technician
To provide resource information to residents of Bingham County in partnership with community, state, and federal entities. Provide support for the Bingham County Board of Community Guardians.
Denny, Susan - Veterans Service Officer
Lora, Laura - Payroll Clerk / Veteran Services
Citizen participation is vital in helping to ensure that the constitutional right to a trial by jury will guarantee the protection of life, liberty, and property.
Wixom, Rhonda - Jury Commissioner
The mission of Bingham County Emergency Management is to be a guide in effectively preparing for, protecting against, mitigating the effects of, responding to and recovering from all hazards, putting the highest priority on preparedness.
Reese, Scott - Emergency Management Director
The mission of Bingham County Parks & Recreation is to improve the quality of life in Bingham County by providing safe, welcoming and affordable recreation facilities for continued outdoor recreation and resource stewardship.
Reese, Scott - Emergency Management Director
Davis, LeighAnn - Parks Assistant
Wahlen, Kirk - Sportsman Park - Park Manager
We meet our community’s needs through the efficient and professional delivery of quality services which includes the Building & Construction Division, Planning and Code Enforcement Division, and Economic Development Division.
Olsen, Tiffany - Planning & Development Director
Harris, Addie Jo - Assistant Director & Lead Planner
Willard, Amanda - Permit Technician & Assistant Planner
Martin, Jacob - Building Inspector
Winje, Dorothy - Permit Technician
Despain, Jacob - Building Inspector
It is the mission of Bingham County Probation Services to supervise, assist, and support the habilitation or rehabilitation of juvenile and adult offenders by way of evidence based or best practices with a balanced approach of accountability, competency development, community protection and restorative justice in an effort to help those individuals become better members of society.
The mission of the Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is to promote community and public safety for our citizens, in conjunction with facilitating an efficient county government. We are determined to work vigorously to accomplish justice for victims of crime and strive to hold perpetrators of crime accountable for their actions.
Jolley, Ryan - County Prosecuting Attorney
Wimbish, W. Oliver (Ollie) - Chief Deputy Prosecutor
Hart, Andrew - Deputy Prosecutor
Wood, Camiliana (Camie) - Deputy Prosecutor
Jorgensen, Lori - Office Manager / Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Allen, Jodi - Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Harris, Shelley - Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Byrne, Traci - Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Figg, Desiree - Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Evans, Jessica - Legal Assistant / Victim Witness Coordinator
Public Works employees deliver cost effective, safe, reliable and sustainable projects, programs and quality services to provide essential government services with the priority on public safety and future economic development with a long term fiscal stability and provide a high standard of quality work for the public. Departments include Road and Bridge, Solid Waste, and Weed Management.
Whited, Dusty - Public Works Director
Hidalgo, Clem - Code Enforcement Officer
Fangsrud, Rebecca - Administrative Assistant
Thelin, June - Administrative Assistant
Public Works employees deliver cost effective, safe, reliable and sustainable projects, programs and quality services to provide essential government services with the priority on public safety and future economic development with a long term fiscal stability and provide a high standard of quality work for the public. Departments include Road and Bridge, Solid Waste, and Weed Management.
Williams, Brian - Shelley Lead
Bennett, Todd - Springfield Lead
Lenhart, Troy - Road Supervisor
Ibarra, Javier - Purchasing/Inventory Clerk
McClure, Terry - Sign Tech/Traffic Control Specialist
Bailey, Brad - Springfield Lead
It is our commitment to provide professional law enforcement services to all citizens of Bingham County through a trained, motivated, and focused work force of men and women dedicated to public service.
Gardner, Jeff - County Sheriff
Sheriff's Office Main Desk
The Bingham County Solid Waste program consists of the Mooreland Central Transfer Station, Rattlesnake Transfer/Landfill and the Aberdeen Transfer/Landfill.
The purpose of the Solid Waste program is to receive the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Construction & Demolition (C&D) and Composting materials generated within Bingham County and process it to be either buried in the Rattlesnake or Aberdeen landfills or transported to the landfill in Bannock County.
Going, Derrick - Solid Waste Program Supervisor
Hale, Jonathan - Aberdeen Landfill Solid Waste Lead
Sorensen, Jesse - Rattlesnake Landfill Solid Waste Lead
Ward, Justin - Moreland CTS Solid Waste Lead
We serve to fulfill the statutory requirements of the county Treasurer’s Office with professional, ethical and transparent practices. To ensure citizens are given courteous, considerate, and effective service.
Beal, Tanna - County Treasurer
Marlatt, Barbara - Chief Deputy Treasurer
Porter, Allison - Deputy Treasurer
Ricks, Jodie - Deputy Treasurer
Provide assistance to county veterans. We aid veterans in applying for health benefits through the VA Health System, as well as provide guidance to those wanting to apply for benefits through the VA Benefits Administration.
Denny, Susan - Veterans Service Officer
Lora, Laura - Payroll Clerk / Veteran Services
Manage and control noxious weeds throughout the county in order to preserve local resources in accordance with the Idaho Noxious Weed Law. We promote these efforts by utilizing integrated weed management practices consisting of education, prevention, mechanical, biological, cultural, and chemical control.
Edwards, Kraig - Weed Superintendent